Monday, October 28, 2019

Do you know how to differentiate between linguist and translator?

Linguist and translator are two professions that involve many of the same skills, but are not the same thing. First, let's take a look at the definition of the terms and the different meanings:
translation process of translating words or text from one language to another; spoken or written version of the meaning of a word or text in another language;
translator individual who translates from one language to another, especially as a profession.
linguistics is the scientific study of a language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax and phonetics.
linguist individual specialized in several foreign languages; individual who studies languages or linguistics.
Thus, it is possible to conclude that the translator is a linguist in its simplest sense, that of scholar of several languages. Other than that, the two activities are completely different.
The role of the translator/interpreter is to transfer from the original language to the target language the full content of the text or speech respecting fidelity with the original, adopting the appropriate registration and terminology, in a way that message is quickly understood by the reader/listener of another language.
Technical issues of text or discourse, such as grammar and syntax, language figures and normative rules help guide the elaboration of translation, which must excel in the cultured norm of both languages.
However, the approach is different. The translator focuses on the semantic value of words, emits judgment about its meaning and makes choices, using in his office several abstract aspects such as coherence, clarity and cultural adequacy, and at the same time observing the limitations and challenges imposed by the guidelines of the medium to which it is translating or interpreting, book, video, audio, among others.
Linguistics in turn is the scientific study of human language. It is based on the observation of the facts and refrains from proposing any choice between them, remaining impartial. The linguist only observes and thoroughly studies what is said, the living and current language.
His approach to the text is purely pragmatic, he looks at the content from the perspective of the discourse divisions, the order of words, and the markers and discursive particles. Among the specific branches of linguistics are sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, dialectology, comparative linguistics, computational linguistics and structural linguistics.
And by involving such a wide range of knowledge, the linguist has to choose several career options besides that of researcher, such as a foreign language teacher, lexicographer, reviewer, trainer or editor.
For the universe of translation, the importance of linguist's work is mainly in the development of corpus linguistics, an indispensable tool for translator research.
In addition, the various electronic tools that today guarantee greater consistency and give more agility to translation, such as voice recognition and translation memory software,are the result of research and development of information technology experts, certainly with the contribution of linguists.
Whatever the look, the right thing is that translators and linguists are equivalent to respect for words and love for foreign languages. Here at Aliança Traduções,the work and perspectives of the two professionals complement each other, and the result is excellence and quality guaranteed. Here is the full information: Translation services 

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